Q: How do I set up my portal account?
Q: It won't let me login.
Q: What's my username/student id/password?
A: Click the I forgot my password link or the New Users Click Here link. This will reset (or set) your password and display your login username and student id. Then try logging into the portal.
Q: Can't access Blackboard or a specific course in blackboard.
A: You need to wait until that class actually begins. Also if you have never successfully completed an online course at SAU or are a new online student at SAU, you will need to complete the Blackboard primer before access is granted.
Q: Not letting me sign in. I am using my correct username password.
A: Your account may be disabled. Have you sat out for a semester recently? You will need to contact Admissions and then your advisor. Access to the portal will be granted once you are enrolled.
Q: I have an Admissions question.
A: You need to contact the Office of Admissions. Their number is (870)235-4040.
Q: I have a Financial Aid question.
A: You need to contact the Office of Financial Aid. Their number is (870)235-4023.
Q: I have a question about my bill.
Q: I have a question about my payment plan.
A: You need to contact the Office of Student Accounts. Their number is (870)235-4013.